Monday 16 February 2015

Shades of Winter

Just a few images I took during winter.

It may be cold out and the flowers may be sleeping but it's always beautiful.

Katie x

Monday 19 January 2015

Life Imitates Art

                                                                     Innocence Lost

Katie x

Sunday 18 January 2015

Fashion photography

Most of these were taken when I was testing out my camera for the first time, but I do enjoy taking some fashion related images.

Katie x

Saturday 17 January 2015

Photographer's blog- phlog?

So, I'm a big photography lover. I'm a visual learner, I like to see to believe, to understand, to enjoy and so photography, art and film are a big love of mine.

I find it so satisfying looking at beautiful images and have a lot reblogged on my tumblr (and saved to my laptop for future looks!)

It's even more satisfying capturing those images, looking back at those moments and knowing that you created that piece of art with the little time machine we call a camera..

So I'm going to share some of those images with you, whether you like them or not, and just hope you enjoy!

Katie x

Monday 21 April 2014



Hey itz Katie welcome to ma blogggggg! :)
Just kidding, just kidding!

I'm Katie and I'm 17 and from Great Britain. Won't bore you with all the details, but basically this is my blog and I shall be posting about most things, no dedicating myself to a single band or fashion. Basically whatever takes my fancy, or anything I like- hence the blog name!

I am a lover of photography, Sherlock, Lana Del Rey and two youtubers named Dan and Phil, so I shall most probably mention them at some point...

Anyways, feel free to follow or comment or whatevever it is you do and check out my tumblr:

 Thank you!
